Hi all! It’s been awhile hasn’t it?
I’m really sorry for all the blips. I just came back from the Subic Ad Congress and survived 3 days without any internet access or my sketchpad. Still, I must admit; it was a total BLAST. I’ve got a LOT to share, and a ton of stories to draw out… For starters, I met James Jean and got a heap of stuff signed (chortles). The poor man was SO jetlagged and cranky, and I was such a (an annoying) fan, I think I pissed him off… hurm.
ANYWAY, we’ll get to that eventually. I stress on the word “eventually” because unfortunately ladies and gents, a big, fat hairy deadline fell on my lap the second we arrived. It’s been a pretty miserable Monday, Â so I’m kind of tight on time right now. It’s 8:09 and it looks like a long night ahead of us. The hours spent in this job are insane.
Either way, here’s a little story that came about after a certain conversation I had about delectable cheese.
(Note: Please ignore the successive exclamation marks; this was rushed and they weren’t deliberate.)

And now, a quick visit to the dictionary…
Someone had better run and tell John Lloyd! (Thanks for the correction Peachy!)