I’ve been running late for my deadlines here at CerealSat, but please to forgive me plis. PIGMA pen and I broke up just yesterday. If you’re a regular here, you’d be well informed of my whining over the fiber tip of this backstabbing pen. The tip’s been fraying more and more, and I’ve been trying to compensate. But yesterday- things just got SO BAD; I repeated the same page 4 times! I was so fed up; finally, we decided to part ways.
All in all, I suppose putting it away is for the best- details were suffering… And yet *choke* it’ll be so hard going back to the way things were. (cue My Fair Lady “I’ve grown accustomed to her face“) As messed up as things were at week 2, the first couple of panels I spent with this PIGMA pen were heaven. What was a girl to do?
Well. This is what I did: I went out and bought a second. @_@
It was wonderful. It felt so GOOD to hear the crisp scratch of a sharp tip again. It’s like a familiar and comfortingly irritating shriek of Hallelujah. (Know what I mean?)
So yes, I foresee the makings of a vicious cycle here, and I haven’t got the money to keep this up. I’ve got to find a more permanent replacement for this pen tip problem… I can’t keep buying these pens! Not when they’re only good for a week’s worth of inking! *river*
In the mean time, here’s a short comic I did based on a short exchange I had with Jam over #6 of “The 100 Most Beautiful Words in English“. I hope you enjoy. It cost P49.00.

Mofo loved the sauce.